The Five Pillars
Guiding principles that inform how we teach.
This is our commitment to systematic excellence for all.
Bespoke Mentoring
Our end goal is to help you learn how to learn, and achieve personal growth, which happens alongside success in Science.
Regular 1on1 conversations with your teacher and support staff.
Expert Teaching
Staff go through rigorous training including: content knowledge, pedagogy, and student engagement; all tailored to our learning environment.
Faculties meet weekly with a collaborative focus.
Courses are guided by university-level Science understanding, but catered specifically to the needs of NSW HSC.
Supportive Environment
Supportive, learning-focused environment amongst students, teachers, and operations staff. You won't find this anywhere else.
A cosy, safe learning space at our centre, and in our online community.
Quality Feedback
Homework and exams marked by your own teacher. You get the best quality feedback on your understanding and exam technique; your teacher gets feedback on how they can tailor their teaching for you.
Comprehensive resources, including full written solutions.
Personalised Learning
Interactive classroom, capped at 12 students.
A culture of two-way communication with your teacher.
24/7 online server for asking questions + daily live Q&A sessions
What makes us different?
The Five Pillars are inseparable with Atlas Academia.
It is our commitment to a systems-based approach to education that is as effective as it is inclusive.
It is both a privilege and challenge that every educator faces: every student is unique. It’s clear that picking a single approach to teaching a group of students will leave the group with some students excelling, some showing gradual improvement, and some feeling left behind.
Our team are not here to specialise in teaching the exact same type of student, every time. To produce meaningful education outcomes we recognise the importance of and synthesis of the five distinct aspects that form our pillars.